Recipe For Faking A Marriage Movie Full Cast & Characters Introduction

College and family life should be people’s golden years, as they should feel loved and supported in their environments. It doesn’t apply to Nicole Lavin, the main cast of Recipe For Faking A Marriage.

Nicole’s breakdown starts after she discovers Mark, her fiancé, sleeping with Olivia, the head bully in Nicole’s college back then. An unknown yet handsome CEO named James Kelce saves Nicole’s day just as Nicole sees no way out from the miserable scenes.

The billionaire James Kelce needs a wife to secure his child custody after his horrible breakups. At the same time, Nicole also feels desperate for a man who can fill the empty room in her heart.

Part 1: Meet Recipe For Faking A Marriage Movie Cast & Characters Now!

Nicole Lavin

Recipe For Faking A Marriage Nicole

The innocent and warm-hearted Nicole Lavin of Recipe For Faking A Marriage might be a competent baker. Yet, she has a tough luck on love. The betrayal Nicole experiences from Mark, her ex-fiancé, and the bullying she receives from Olivia, the mean girl, since her college years, have made Nicole feel traumatic.

It is hard for Nicole to trust men, especially James Kelce, who already has a daughter. Nicole’s initial distrust of James in Recipe For Faking A Marriage movie comes from her insecurity that James could have used her as a nanny-wife for the kid.

Yet, the more the movie’s story progresses, the more we will see Nicole’s certainty about James and the daughter’s approval of her presence. She no longer needs her jerk ex-fiancé!

James Kelce

Recipe For Faking A Marriage James

The 30-year-old James Kelce’s role in “Recipe For Faking A Marriage” doesn’t only lie in his Kelce family’s billionaire CEO status. He has also recently divorced his wife, leaving him and Bella, their 5-year-old daughter, living under the same roof.

James is well aware of his ex-wife’s obsessiveness in claiming child custody. At the same time, there’s no second chance for a wife like James’ ex. So, James instantly agrees to Nicole’s spontaneous blurts of asking for a marriage with him.

James consistently shows his love and protection for Nicole. It doesn’t matter if he’s breaking down inside; he will continue his relentless and reliable support for Nicole!


Recipe For Faking A Marriage Olivia

Olivia’s background as Nicole’s former college mates and their encounters in the college reunions should make her one of Nicole’s support systems. Yet, it doesn’t happen that way in Recipe For Faking A Marriage, as Olivia is the head of the college’s mean girls.

Olivia’s persistence in bullying Nicole reaches its peak when she sleeps with Nicole’s fiancé, Mark. She has also likely snatched other college mates’ boyfriends before the main stories of Recipe For Faking A Marriage. Hence, she gets a label as the “boyfriend-wrecker”.

Bully as Olivia might be, she only dares to lie her hands upon people whom she deems as weaker than her. She won’t do the same for powerful figures like James Kelce!


Recipe For Faking A Marriage Mark

Mark used to be Nicole’s fiancé until he slept with the college’s worst bully. “Cowardly” and “smooth-talking” are two adjectives to describe Mark’s characteristics in Recipe For Faking A Marriage.

Unlike the noble and respectful James, Mark’s instincts in facing difficulties in life are to seek more excuses and keep escaping. He shows zero concern for other people, including Nicole.

That’s why Nicole’s closeness to James drives Mark crazy! Now, no matter how much Nicole has declared she has been through with Mark, the latter guy won’t stop snatching her back and plotting his revenge against her.


Recipe For Faking A Marriage Bella

Bella of Recipe For Faking A Marriage movie is the cute and sensitive 5-year-old daughter of CEO James Kelce. Her childhood lives used to be happy with her mother’s, Michelle’s, presence. The separation unsettles her, as she has to prepare herself for the new mom’s presence.

Bella currently lives with her father under the same roof. Together, they support Nicole in facing Nicole’s hardships. After all, Nicole is also always present for Bella in healing Bella’s traumatic wounds.

Part 2: Recipe For Faking A Marriage Movie Secrets You Can’t Miss!


Recipe For Faking A Marriage Watch Online

Nicole Lavin, a talented baker, is the central character in Recipe For Faking A Marriage. She might be competent at work; yet, her luck in romantic relationships is as close as zero percent. Her witnesses of Mark, her ex’s cheating, tears her world apart.

Nicole’s miserable romantic life doesn’t end there; after all, Olivia, the mistress whom Mark sleeps with, used to be Nicole’s worst bully in college. Back then, Olivia was the head of the bully who kept mocking and cornering Nicole with the rest of Olivia’s mean girlfriends.

James Kelce, the renowned Kelce Group’s billionaire CEO, appears out of nowhere after Nicole’s horrible witnesses of whatever her ex-fiancé is doing. The desperate Nicole suddenly blurts out about marriage; yet, is she ready for even more bewildering scenes?

James already has a 5-year-old daughter from his previous marriage. He is also desperate to claim child custody; James can’t just hand it over to a wicked woman like Michelle, his ex-wife!

From here, both main characters of Recipe For Faking A Marriage should muster their courage to overcome traumas in their lives together!

Release Date (and A Movie Recommendation)

Recipe For Faking A Marriage is a new movie from ReelShort. The release date’s plan would be around October 8, 2024. The release plan includes the trailer as the first visible Short to the audiences.

Right now, the movie is searchable through ReelShort’s APP version. In the meantime, while waiting for the movie’s release, you can watch another similar ReelShort movie: “Stunning Flash Marriage”.

Like Recipe For Faking A Marriage, a flash marriage with a handsome billionaire heir also becomes the main theme of the “Stunning Flash Marriage” movie. This ReelShort movie also provides some twists through the elements of the jewelry design competition.

Mona Weber, the rising star in the city’s jewelry industry, has to disguise herself by using “Rina” as her pen name. Mona, now “Rina” a.k.a. the eccentric-looking girl, then accidentally bumps into Howell, the CEO of the internationally-renowned Howell Group.

Mona’s flash marriage with Howell enrages Thea Ryan, the woman she previously defeated. Thea’s presence is just like the bully Olivia in Recipe For Faking A Marriage with more glamorous copy-cat touches for her jewelry-designing capabilities!

How To Watch?

Recipe For Faking A Marriage ReelShort

Recipe For Faking A Marriage is a ReelShort-exclusive movie. It means you can’t watch the movie’s trailer or full episodes elsewhere. In other words, you can’t find Recipe For Faking A Marriage if you use other platforms, such as Netflix, Dailymotion, or Bilibili.

At present, ReelShort’s APP version gives a great overall picture of how the stories of Recipe For Faking A Marriage might unfold. It provides the movie’s covers with vivid colors and relevant tags for the movie.

Once Recipe For Faking A Marriage aired on ReelShort, you can continue watching it on the official website!

Now, you can also follow ReelShort’s TikTok account or subscribe to ReelShort’s YouTube account to ensure you keep abreast of this movie’s newest updates!

Part 3: How Can Recipe For Faking A Marriage Movie Gain The Popularity?

Recipe For Faking A Marriage Free Online

Audiences always associate the college’s head bully with the main antagonist, and the same thing also applies to Olivia in Recipe For Faking A Marriage. Other mean girls might appear before or after Olivia’s affairs with Mark, the protagonist’s ex-fiancé. Yet, the nerve Olivia possesses can emotionally trigger the audience. It can potentially lead the audience to watch more episodes of Olivia’s falls.

Apart from Olivia, it seems that almost all antagonistic roles in Recipe For Faking A Marriage are female. Abigail, James’ mother, is one of the characters who are against James’ remarriage with Nicole. Abigail’s stinginess can pose another challenge for Olivia and become the movie’s highlight at the same time.

James’ relentless support also becomes another reason why Recipe For Faking A Marriage can gain popularity among audiences. The trailer could have portrayed James as the masked superhero; he only arrives on the scene after Nicole Lavin, the innocent damsel-in-distress protagonist, feels cornered.

Yet, James is not alone, as Bella, his only daughter, also sides with him. It seems Bella’s presence is more than just a sweet, innocent, loving, and sensitive 5-year-old child. Along with Nicole, she is one of the most supportive female characters in the movie. It won’t be surprising that her emotional bonds with Nicole and the father could develop into something more serious.

Overall, the antagonists’ pestering roles and James-Bella’s tag team support are two things that can make this movie rise to popularity!

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